martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Cleopatra VII

Cleopatra VII

She is Cleopatra Filopátor Nea Thea. She was born in 69 a.C. to 30 a.C. She was the last queen in the Ancient Egyptian and the Ptolemaic dynasty, also called Lagide, founded by Ptolemy Soter, a general of Alexandre the Great. Cleopatra was daughter of Cleopatra V trifena y the Ptolemy XII who inherited the throne in the year 51 a.C. when she was 18 years. She married her brother Ptolemy XIII. A Cleopatra has been attributed of exceptional beauty ; however prints and drawings found her charm in her personality more tham her physical appearance.

martes, 2 de junio de 2015


      L´equipe le F.C.Barcelona a été le champion de ligue hier parce qu´il a gagné à léquipe
Atletico Madrid (1-0). Le F.C.Barcelona avait 93 points et le Real Madrid 89 points. Comme il ne restaitqurune journée le Real Madrid ne pouvait pas égaler le F.C.Barcelona. Les amateurs étaient 
très content pour la champion de ligue et ils sont allés le célébrer avec quelques amis. Les joueurs étaient très satisfait pour le travail de la saison de football.

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2015

           ONE DIRECTION

    One direction was formed in 2005. The first participate was Harry. He is the singer of the gruop. Them came Steven, Zyan, Peter and Kyand. Steven was the guitar, Zyan was the oyher singer with Peter and Harry and Kyand played the drums. They was a very popular in the world because they are very beautiful for the girls. The song more popular is ¨The story of my life¨. The fans love them but yesterday Zyan was out to the group because he wanted a normal live. The group was desapeared and
anyone know about them.

martes, 10 de febrero de 2015


    Quand j´avais treize ans j´ai voyage à Tavira qui est au Portugal avec ma famille et mes amis.
    Lá-bas nous avons visité Lisbonne et les autres villes. Nous avons voyagé à Tavira parce qu´ici il y     a une grande maison pour passer les vacances. Nous êtait une semaine. Ma meilleure experience         est quand j´ai nagé avec dauphins avec mes amis. Puis êtait très intéressant et très drôle. C´est la
    meilleuse expérience que j´aiapprécié à Tavira.

martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014


This was the dramatic scene that happened yesterday at eleven o´clook, twenty-six people were trapped for hours when there was a problem with a grant rollercoaster in Bristol at the theme park. Them mechanics saw the problem so they called the rescue services. As first people were screaming and crying but later when the fireman arrived they became calmer. Finally, two hours later all was good.

I was born in Málaga in 1999. When i was young, we lived in a different house with my grandparents in a place called Platero. We´ve moved houses then, when my brother was born in 2002, and I´ve leved here in Málaga for twelve years now. We were on holiday in Portugal (Lisboa) and I was playing volleyball in the garden with my aunts and my cousins. I stayed there one month. I also remember my first day at primary school. My theacher´s name was María José and I love her because with her I played a lot of sports and did a lot of activities very interesting. I´ve been at the secondary school for four years. I´ve changed since I was young. I think that I´m more intelillent and responsable now and my hair is a different colour! When I finish secondary school, I´ll probably do ¨bachillerato¨ and then go to university. Before I´m old Id really like to play chess with my friends.